Sunday, December 21, 2008

What's better than showtime?

Snowtime! I WUV it! It's been snowing since last weekend and we have really been making the most of it. We've gone footprint hunting, sledding, made cookies (well I wasn't into baking them...just wanted to pick off all the dough off of the cookie cutters), and drank hot chocolate until I collapsed from satisfaction.

And I am so excited about leaving some of our cookies for Santa! First it was my birthday. Then it was Halloween. Then Thanksgiving. Now Christmas!! What comes after Christmas? My mom says that it's New Years! Do I have to sit on anyone's lap for New Years?

Friday, December 12, 2008

Heeeelp, Girl!

So I played another game of "Help, Girl" yesterday. I do it when there's a cute older blond at the park and I want her attention. First, I fall to the ground and then I send out my call for help. I say, "Help, Girl!" until she notices that I am in distress (really I'm not, but she doesn't know). That's when her mother-hen instincts kick in. She'll hover over me and ask me what's wrong. Sometimes I tell her that I'm scared of the dragon. Sometimes it's the shark. Then the girl will start to comfort me... and then she'll hold my hand! It works every time.

Here's where I'm sending out my distress signal.

...and here's my new friend!

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Santa's Wap. UGH.

One might think that this is the year when I would look forward to sitting on Santa's lap. Not so! I don't want to sit on Santa's wap! I don't want it! But I do want a wizard (lizard) for Christmas. And I told him as much when I saw him. He was sitting in a big fat chair in the basement of a mall and I was riding up the escalator (away from him, thankfully). Realizing that this might be my only chance, I yelled it to him on my way up the escalator. "Santa!! I WANT A WIZARD!!" I hope he heard me.