Thursday, August 06, 2009

I'm back!

Well sorry for the delay, but I am waiting on some photos of my awesome trip to California (ahem!). So for now, you'll just have to hear about it and hopefully I will be able to insert a photo later. I went to visit my family and had a great time! The highlight was probably the pink popcorn and cotton candy at the San Francisco Zoo. Everyone else went to see the animals. I was there for the sugar.

I also got an early birthday present. A REAL big boy bike! Once I figured out I could actually do it on my own, I told my mom to "wet go!!" And I was off!

My Grammy also signed me up for a couple of swim lessons. Initially I was NOT happy about it. But then my mom told me that the teacher was actually a swimming princess. !! Well why didn't she just say so? From then on, I was a happy participant. And when I got back to Portland, I took even more swim lessons. In fact, my favorite day was when I figured out that I actually like to dunk my whole body under the water. From that moment forward, I completely lost track of what the rest of the class was doing. I was busy dunking, coming up for air, dunking, coming up for air, dunking.... So much FUN!

I loved the 4th of July this year! We started out the day by going to a rodeo. I got to ride a pony, eat popcorn, cotton candy, and watch cowboys fall off of their horses. It was great. Then we went home and set off some fireworks. I didn't like the loud ones AT ALL. My dad actually tried to take me to the big city production at 9 PM, but we had to come home immediately. They were not quiet!

Last weekend I was the ring barer in Tony and Brittany's wedding. Me. In a tux. Can you stand it? My parents were a little nervous that I would battle putting on so much clothing on such a hot day. But I loved it! My shiny shoes really flipped the disco switch in my body. I couldn't contain myself. They needed to be danced!

Tomorrow we are going to Idaho! YAY! There has been a lot of talk about how much fun I am going to have. I'll let you know how it goes...


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