Monday, April 13, 2009

20 Questions

So the other day I told my mom that I wanted a snack. She asked what I wanted and I said "I want the black is on the yellow and the yellow's up the top. That's what I want."


"The black is on the yellow and the yellow's up the top!! I want it!"

This went on for a couple of days until my mom took me to the store and asked me to walk her to the "black is on the yellow and the yellow is up the top." So I did. Fig newtons. mmmmmmmm.

While I'm at it, I'll help decode some other things for you...

Toe food = tofu
woodles = noodles
hang gubber = hamburger
gub-urge= garbage

"th" is pronunced as "f" (think = fink)
"l" is pronounced as "w" (chocolate = choc-wit)


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