Grammy is Coming??!!
Well I just found out that my grammy is coming to visit me and I am really excited. I have lots of new tricks to show her. I think she'll be most impressed with my 1 knee 1 crab crawl combo. Very fancy knee/footwork. And when I'm done with that, I'm going to give her a big fat toothy grin and show her that I have two more teeth coming in.
Last weekend I stayed the night at my grandma and grandpa's house. I finally figured out how to swim and have fun at the same time. No more bawling. Just good clean fun (until I pooped my pants and Grandma pulled off the swimmer diapers and smeared my legs with my breakfast). You should have seen the look on her face. She said that next time she's going to cut off my swimmers with scissors. I was glad to hear that because I've been meaning to get my hands on a shiney sharp toy. Grandma also had all sorts of fun playing with my hair. I had a comb over, a part-in-the-middle butthead, and gangsta comb-back.
But before I go to bed, I have to say goodbye to Amy (aka mpoppins). Thanks for being so nice to me and good luck in Arizona! Watch out for those ginormous spiders!