Check it, yo! I have a new buzz cut! My papa gave it to me on his deck a couple of weeks ago and it seems to be a big hit in Deanland. My parents say it makes me look either really yummy or like Dennis The Menace. I've been known to straddle the fence depending upon my mood.
I've been crooning lately. Do you remember all the music that I use to make my parents play on repeat repeat repeat repeat? Well, I didn't tell anyone, but I was memorizing EVERY word. So now I sing along and my audience LOVES it! (Although, I don't like it when they sing with me. "No Gaga, Dean sing!! Gaga drive.")

Other than that, things are pretty much the same. Still working this out with my belly button. Still riding my bike. Still trying to over-snack. Still love everything CARS. Still think Ariel (the Little Mermaid) is hot. That's about it.
I'm off today to see my Grandpa Chop Chop (Grandpa Great) at the beach. And when I get home, I get to see Grammy.